

Uplifting for a greater good


What’s Upfarm?

This applications helps to build the farmers community, gives better rates and best guidance for farming material and connect to the dealer directly.

Time Line – 4 months. Mobile UI|UX Design


It’s all started

me while working on the thesis project there many problem I found while interviewing with framers the issue is not just only vegetable waste its also about farmers In 2019, a total of 10,281 farmers and farm laborers died by suicide across the country, according to statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau. Taking one’s own life is still a crime in India, and experts have said for years that the actual numbers are far higher because most people fear the stigma of reporting. They are many reasons behind their suicides.

I wanted to address

Poor methodologies of Farming techniques, related to farmer not getting price, no direct supply chain to sell vegetables, farming community. Farmers knowledge and awareness.

With a cup full of
idea and a mind full
of thoughts,

It decided to build something, that help farmers to build community and bridging the gap between farmers and traders and also giving assistance which will to farmers to grow ore and better quality of of vegetables.


How I approached this project.



I explored potential solutions, evaluated potential competitors, and interviewed potential users to learn about their habits, needs, and frustrations.



I turned everything I learned from my exploration into actionable goals in order to solidify the opportunities that can be fulfilled in order to achieve the desired result.



I let my imagination run wild while working with some potential users to create high-fidelity mockups of the solution.


What are the areas where
farmer face major Issue.

What are the areas where farmer face major Issue.

The main thing I have to understand their supply chain model how does it works how vegetables goes from point A to point B in overall process, after post harvesting where farmers facing issues.

I started by understanding
by traditional supply chain

Traditional Model is a complex chain for the supply stream of F&V, which is commonly followed currently in traditional chain. Players involved in this model are agents (commission agents), auctioneers, wholesalers, traditional retailers of all type of formats example roadside shops, pavement shops and cart vendors. Farmers are the main source of fruits and vegetable produce. In this traditional supply chain model, farmers sell their products to the customers through various intermediate partners then, intermediate transport to their wholesale market then the fruits and vegetables are further distributed to their local market , cart vendors then to the customers. In this model intermediate eat the complete cost share within the market. (Neeraj Anand, Saurav Negi, 2020)

Issue and challenges in supply change management.

In the supply chain of vegetables it is measured that post harvest lost is one the major issue happening in the supply chain, starting at the time of harvest till its consumption. Every year, an estimated 1.3 billion ton - roughly one-third - of the food produced for human consumption worldwide is lost or wasted. (Alawadhi, 2020). Fruits and vegetables are the most Losses estimate 24,909 crore ($4 billion) in 2015-16 to Rs 35,984 crore ($5 billion) in 2016-17 in India.(Charlie Moloney, 2020) Government is taking a lot of measures through various schemes such as building cold chain, financial support for food processing industries etc., for minimizing fruits and vegetable wastages. India is one of the fast growing countries in the world, since the improvement of technology required in all the fields.

On-site observation and
stake holders interviews.

As after the research and site observations it have been found that farmers knowledge, storage and handling, trader and harvesting are the major effecting to farmers.

Farmers Knowledge

Farmers' knowledge and expertise in technology and market data are essential in the supply chain of perishable fresh produce. As the primary source and provider, their education and awareness of new equipment and market trends are significant factors in minimizing losses in the supply chain.

Storage and Handling

As after the research and site observations it have been found that farmers knowledge, storage and handling, trader and harvesting are the major effecting to farmers.

Farmers' knowledge and expertise in technology and market data are essential in the supply chain of perishable fresh produce. As the primary source and provider, their education and awareness of new equipment and market trends are significant factors in minimizing losses in the supply chain.


Collecting of the new produce at a off-base time or some time recently their maturity age can lead to the wastages within the perishable fresh produce supply chain. This will be one of the reason for post harvest loss. • Harvesting at improper staged.

Lets Understand User

I conducted interviews with over 60 farmers, I've identified their primary pain points. The key insight is that farmers face significant challenges that need to be addressed.

Limited control over sales process and pricing, including commission paid to traders and lack of knowledge about government schemes.

Challenges in dealing with new problems related to agriculture.


Started Conceptualizing the

Started Conceptualizing the Idea.

This is what I focused on after my initial research, which included processing all the data, crunching some numbers, and then starting with the brainstorming and affinity mapping to narrow down the Idea.

I started by understanding
by traditional supply chain

This is what I focused on after my initial research, which included processing all the data, crunching some numbers, and then starting with the brainstorming and affinity mapping to narrow down the Idea.

As affinity mapping done it helped me organize information from a brainstorming session.


A Look into my thought

It’s filled with tons of ideas gathered after spending hours trying different apps along with wondering Pinterest and Dribbble in a bid to get clarity on these things:


How I started Planning.

I created by looking at usual perspectives with my unusual eyes and galaxy brain thinking to create magic out of chaos all while being inspired by the single greatest thing, the deadline.


Exploring ways to approach
the solution.

I focused on finalizing the flow and created user flow and sketching out different layouts which would be intuitive to use and scalable

Building the low fidelity

Building the low fidelity screens.

I picked one design layout and created variations to get feedback on different user flows. Then finalized the screen and here is the low fidelity screen.


And finally,
say hello to UPFARM

And finally,
say hello to UPFARM

I focused on finalizing the flow and created user flow and sketching out different layouts which would be intuitive to use and scalable

Splash screen and

Splash screen and onboarding.

Before the users see the default page of the Upfarm, They will be led through the onboarding process and are given the freedom to skip if they don't want to go through it. Users can choose language before they start using app and can log in using Google and Facebook to make it efficient.

Home Screen

Home screen greets with an organised interface which gives the user the necesarry information about overview of the market price, commodity and track items so that user can understand and check what ever they whant and see .

Tips and Trick

Users can get many tips and tricks videos and option to talk to the consultant so that users can learn from it and use those in there farming praticses.

Buy and Rent

Users can buy or take rent many machinary which help them to grow farming more better and faster with machines.

Join Community

Users can join the farming community To increase their business network and build market awareness.


What made the launch successful?

These key metrics are based on real data collected after the product launch, tracking user behavior, farmer adoption, and business impact over the initial month.


So, what did I learn?

The wins and fails. I learned how to identify users' actual needs, which was difficult in my case because what farmers say, think, and need is completely different, getting insights from them and understanding the market and what actually their pain points, and what they value is something difficult to follow

Way forward. After seeing strong initial success, I want to conduct in-depth usability testing with stakeholders to refine the platform. Collaborating with farmers and traders will help improve adoption, fair pricing, and income growth. Moving forward, data-driven insights will guide further improvements."

And that’s all from my side.

Thanks for checking this out.

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